1.Compliance with the laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information
FUJIPACIFIC complies with the laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information, and the provisions and guidelines related thereto.2.Acquisition and use of personal informationFUJIPACIFIC acquires personal information by a proper and fair means and uses such personal information to the extent necessary for the purpose of use that has in advance been notified to the person or publicly announced, unless otherwise provided by laws or regulations.
3.Purpose of use of personal information of right owners of musical compositions
FUJIPACIFIC uses the personal information of songwriters, composers, and other right holders of musical compositions having agreements with FUJIPACIFIC, which is acquired by FUJIPACIFIC, for the purpose of communications, sending statements, payment of royalties, promotional activities for musical compositions managed by FUJIPACIFIC, and other management services for music copyrights in and to the musical compositions, to the extent necessary for such purpose.4.Purpose of use of other personal information
Personal information acquired by FUJIPACIFIC other than the above is used for achieving the following purpose to the extent necessary:(1) Responding to inquiries and handling orders;
(2) Notices from FUJIPACIFIC to applicants for auditions;
(3) Business communications with FUJIPACIFIC's clients and business execution (including transaction history management); and
(4) Any other purpose incidental or related to the above.